DC Processing Extension Manual

$Date: 2006-07-22 10:30:39 +0200 (Sat, 22 Jul 2006) $

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. What's New?
1.1.1. Version 1.2.9
1.1.2. Version 1.2.8
1.1.3. Version 1.2.7
1.1.4. Version 1.2.6
1.1.5. Version 1.2.5
2. Requirements
3. Installation
3.1. Installation Using the Installer
3.2. Manual Installation
4. Loading the Extension
1. Functions
1.1. View GUI
1.1.1. Split Polylines by Polylines
1.1.2. Split Polylines by Points
1.1.3. Split Polygons by Lines
1.1.4. Points from Polylines
1.1.5. Polyline from Points and Table
1.1.6. Polylines from PolylineZ
1.1.7. Create Center Points
1.1.8. Create Polylines from Polygons
1.1.9. Assign Attributes from Grid to Points
1.1.10. Create Points from Multipoints
1.1.11. Create Square Polygons from Points
1.1.12. Create Points from Grid
1.1.13. Create Cross Polylines from Points
1.1.14. Create Polygons from Polylines
1.1.15. Create Arrows from Lines
1.1.16. Create Polygons from TIN
1.1.17. Interpolate Point Values from Other Points
1.1.18. Interpolate Point Values from Points and TIN
1.1.19. Interpolate Node Values in Network
1.1.20. Segmentize Polylines
1.1.21. Calculate Node Angles
1.1.22. Classify Node Connections
1.1.23. Flip End Lines
1.1.24. Extend Lines
1.2. Table GUI
1.2.1. Tag Duplicate Records
1.2.2. Create Unique ID
1.2.3. Calculate Network Tree Names
1.3. Project GUI
1.3.1. Create Portable Project
1.3.2. Recursive Copy of Projection Files
1.3.3. Batch-convert Coverages To Shapefiles
2. Sample Data

The DC Processing Extension provides several functions to process and convert data in ArcView 3.*.

The DC Processing Extension is available from http://dcwaterdesign.sourceforge.net. It is free software released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General License (LGPL) - the full source code is available (Open Source).

This manual describes version 1.2.9 of the DC Processing Extension.

The functions provided by the DC Processing Extension.

Functions added to the View GUI by the extension.

Classifies the connection types of different water supply network nodes in order to allow the automatic creation of a BoQ (Bill of Quantities).

The following set of themes is required to use this function:

  • Line theme (polyline)

  • Junction theme (point) with the following fields that will be overwritten:

    • Connection (integer)

    • DN1 (integer)

    • DN2 (integer)

    • DN3 (integer)

  • Valve theme (point)

The three themes have to be properly snapped (line-node topology).

To use this function, add your network's line, node and valve themes to the view.

Start editing the node theme.

Activate the three themes.

Select Classify Node Connections from the DC Processing menu.

You will be asked to provide select a number field from the node theme to store the classification. Please select the "Connection" field.

To create a BoQ, you'll have to load the classified shapefile to a relational database and execute the SQL scripts create_dcboq_ddl.sql and fitting_boq.sql. The scripts can be found in the scripts folder of the DC Processing Extension source distribution.

The view "PositionView" will contain the BoQ.

A junction with two pipes connected that have the same diameter is not considered a special connection.


The function considers every valve that is linked by one pipe to a junction by only one pipe to be part of the connection at the junction. The length of the pipe is not considered. To prevent valves from being accounted two times, you may have to introduce additional junctions to correctly assign the valve to a connection.

Valves that are surrounded by junctions that are no special connections are not accounted for.

The function assumes that your network only consists of "valid" connections. If your network contains invalid connection types this will most probably lead to classification errors.


The function uses a snapping radius of 0.01.

Functions added to the project GUI by the extension.


center, Create Center Points
node connections, Classify Node Connections
grid to point, Create Points from Grid
multipoint to point, Create Points from Multipoints
point and table to polyline, Polyline from Points and Table
point to cross polyline, Create Cross Polylines from Points
point to polygon, Create Square Polygons from Points
polygon to point, Create Center Points
polygon to polyline, Create Polylines from Polygons
polygons from TIN, Create Polygons from TIN
polyline to point, Points from Polylines
polyline to polygon, Create Polygons from Polylines
polylines from 3D polylines, Polylines from PolylineZ
coverage, Batch-convert Coverages To Shapefiles
cross, Create Cross Polylines from Points


sample, Sample Data


functionality, Functions


raster, Create Points from Grid
duplicate, Tag Duplicate Records
reference, Reference
requirements, Requirements


unique values, Create Unique ID